If you are heading over to France or a French speaking country (Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Senegal, New Caledonia...) for business, you should know that not only is business French different to general French, but doing business in a French speaking country comes with its own unique set of cultural rules.
It can be very beneficial to learn about the different rules in speaking French in a business sense before heading over to a French speaking country to ensure you do your best to assimilate prior to arriving.
- Feel comfortable in your professional exchanges with French-speaking colleagues or clients
- Master written and spoken skills (ie. writing emails, making presentations, telephone conversations)
- Broaden your business-related vocabulary
- Develop your presentation skills
If you are heading over to France to live, you may also want to learn conversational French, local customs, body language and culture which will help you outside of business hours and make your move as seamless as possible.
If you are not yet gainfully employed before moving overseas and will be looking for work once you arrive, it can be advantageous to take a French exam before you leave (such as a DELF qualification) which gives potential employers confidence in your French ability. Courses can be arranged to help you study and gain maximum scores in the test to give you the best chances of gaining employment in a French speaking country.
You may be a FIFO worker, not living in the Perth metropolitan area or currently residing overseas. With technology these days you can have French lessons face-to-face and/or online wherever you are!
No matter what you are looking to achieve, what your current French level is or career you are in, your teacher will be able to tailor your courses to help you reach your defined, specific goals.
“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”